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Morning Mat Thoughts.
It's never been as hard to "gather your thoughts". For me, it's the actual thoughts and intuitive/creative/boring ideas/thoughts realised... that get scribbled on note pads, written on the fridge, voice notes, email to do lists, WhatsApp messages to partners as reminders, journals, phone note apps, recordings ...
So time poor that we spend our days dancing amongst the mess, hoping all gets covered off for the family or creatively that you don't lose that nugget. Meditation is my daily chill to allow the processing to happen without force but following that in my day is an important process of collation.
But we need to also make the practice practical. So many of us are 'time poor', we don't get time to see the wood from the trees - but therein lies our opportunity to make time to gather those thoughts and release the constant hum of busy monkey mind or physical note gathering. It's like a gift to yourself that in fact saves you time when you make time to do it. This is managing your Wellbeing - noticing small areas within your power that will help you feel more grounded, clear and aligned.
Perhaps this weekend is your time to make time to gather your thoughts! Collect, organize, sort, clear, manage, empower.
I'm in desperate need myself of a good gather, so I'm taking some RADICAL steps this weekend to do just that!!!!!.
#lifecoaching #livingyoga #organisation #thoughtsoftheday #lifedesign #awareness #wellbeing #livingmindfully #minsfulness #lifecoach #mentalhealth #empowerment #meditationpractice #MEDITATION

A simple breath might not always be a cure all ... but taking that breath to allow you to stop, take note, observe and proceed with choice - might just be a game changer when you are about to blow/implode.
One of the earliest mindfulness techniques I acquired over a decade ago, still comes to mind so often. Sending love to those of you who like me need this, and who also feel this Tuesday tastes like a Thursday. Big week energy takes big breath power pauses 💪🏼. Big love, big hopes for the blue sky to come back. Mx.
#meditation #mindfulliving #mindfulness #awareness #wellbeing #balance #compassion #kindness #love #spiritualpractice #reflection #timeandspace #manifestation #breathe #selfcare #breathwork #wisdomtraditions #meditate #yoga #play #rest #discover #understanding #lifecoaching #yogaoffthemat #lifedesign #beaware #smilesformiles #nuture #intuition

Does everyone not want to discover the abundance that slips between the cracks of our loud distracted thinking mind?.
Yoga High, post med rambles with love. So looking forward to the last night of my current Learn to Meditate co-hort, see you later. Mx.
#meditationpractice #MEDITATION #meditationthoughts #EMPOWERMENT #humanity #awareness #wellbeing #wellbeingmanagement #lifecoaching #lifecoach #stillness

tension - relaxation = life is simply an artful dance between the two.
Weekends, especially long ones, gift us the space, perspective and time to relax into who we truly are again. Hope you all let those shoulders drop too. Mx.
#meditation #mindfulliving #mindfulness #awareness #wellbeing #balance #compassion #kindness #love #spiritualpractice #reflection #timeandspace #manifestation #manifest #selfcare #selfkindness #wisdomtraditions #meditate #yoga #play #rest #discover #understanding #lifeisshort #yogaoffthemat #lifedesign #beaware #smilesformiles #nuture #intuition

This week I've come across so many clients, trainees and friends who have all commented on "being exhausted". This in isolation is just a symptom of living in the modern era of rest deficit acceptance.
But...given I'm fully in my meditation training mindset, it's really made me aware of the commonplace disregard for our intuitive wisdom rising. Yes, it's that big - we are getting these subtle or not so subtle messages all day from our inner knowing and we are actively choosing to ignore them.
I'm exhausted...nope, let's ignore that in preference of pushing through. Let's pretend to be confused about why we are tired and just truck on in the hopes it will go away. I'm actually inconvenienced by my tired that I'll chug some coffee and force my body out for a run because surely I "SHOULDN'T" be tired.
I don't do this, honestly it's a small thing but all of these micro decisions we make to honor the messaging coming through - all of these decisions to validate our intuitive wisdom rising - matter. It's like a muscle we build. In short - if you feel tired, exhausted even - perhaps you just need a little rest. And that's ok.
With love and purely suggestion, Moons x.
#internalreflection #lifedesign #awareness #empowerment #lifecoach #meditation #wellbeing #wellbeingmanagement #meditate #workplacewellbeing #yoga #meditationpractice #knowing #changeiscoming #intuitivewisdom #intuition #bestill #listening #rest #restisbest

It begins and ends with you.
If you're not taking time to be with yourself for dedicated pockets of time in this life, how can you expect to live a life aligned to the who of you?!
Shall we just wake up at 70, quite shocked at where we are... or how we have lived, simply because we've meandered along following external influence. No, let's not.
I get it, it's hard to carve out time where we say no and do less but the relationship with ourselves is our most powerful one. You are the lead character in your story and you have all the power over the narrative if only you'll take it.
A daily meditation. A day away. A half day hiding snuggled up somewhere, even at home. Conscious carving of space just for you. You'll be better able serve the entire world when you start taking time to explore, understand and align to your inner one. Here is me, hanging out with me, she's my best friend. Mx.
#conciousconnection #awareness #awaken #presence #intention #relationships #livingyoga #embodiment #space #reflections #stillness #rest #positivehabits #healthyhabits #lifecoaching #meditation

I own a Yoga Studio.
Some days this thought hits me deep in the feels with nearly a sense of surprise! For many years I played the Irish woman's role of downplaying its existence for the fear of appearing conceited. Today I walked upstairs and stood in awe of this serene spot that has stood the test of time, change, covid, closures and challenge. I'm proud and I bloody should be because it is not easy my friends - none of it is easy.
My Loft...Sunlit by day, Twinkling by night. Bustling with classes, much more than simply Yoga asana soul food, private sessions, acupuncture with Orla, workshops, photography, Reiki with Jess and some of the best. teachers around - Emily, Dani, Annie, Kristin, Sarah, Annette, Jess the list goes on and on... I'm so proud of all the smiles that are generated here each week and the goodness.
Although it's only one part of my business now and I'm slowing making my way back to having more capacity for public offerings here, it's so much more than the bricks and mortar foundation for my work. It's a foundation home base that is facilitating healing and providing the nourishing joy that this world needs more off. I spend a lot of my time cheerleading my clients into owning their achievements, so this evening I just wanted to say - I own a Yoga Studio.
And isn't she a beauty x.
#yogastudio #urbanescape #boutiquestudio #mindfulness #meditation #cacao #soundhealing #accupuncture #breathwork #community #sacredspace #home #yogateacher #lifecoach #lifedesign #training #pride

POV. Our lens on the world and on ourselves is often skewed with a subtle filter, or many, that is the direct result of an excessive amount of external influence with a sprinkle of 'busy' addiction. These filters slide in and out with such stealth and finesse that it's no surprise that we digest them as our own (and don't even see the shift to question it). We often think we are living, choosing, doing what we want but end up in places that just don't FEEL right. The lack of contentment keeps us on a perpetual wheel of strive and on and on and on we go...
On a basic level it's great to get away to "get some perspective". But...the magic happens when you truly escape for rich rest and actively practice paying attention on purpose. This my friends starts to make you impervious to those foggy filters. You're changing your life because you're changing your ability to perceive yourself living this life. And after all, isn't this existence all about maximizing the hours to live a life aligned to the who of you!!!!?
I don't say this lightly... it is utterly transformative when we start taking back our power of perspective, when we cultivate the ability to be intentional with our attention. A holiday (or Yoga Holiday 🧐) combined with space to not do, mindful movement, a community to break bread/toast bubbles with, and luxurious surrounds to get lost daydreaming in - this is what I'm so proud of creating. But also if you can't get away - a wee daily med is like a mini holiday to you. Mx
#meditation #mindfulliving #mindfulness #awareness #wellbeing #balance #compassion #kindness #love #spiritualpractice #reflection #timeandspace #manifestation #manifest #travel #selfkindness #wisdomtraditions #meditate #yoga #play #rest #yogaretreat #understanding #lifeisshort #yogaoffthemat #lifedesign #beaware #smilesformiles #nuture #intuition

Haven't mastered the fit check yet! but I do know a thing or two about self discovery or re-discovery in many of our post covid/ post baby cases.
So grateful to my practices for helping to me keep connected to me. For maintaining my potency, my sense of self - even through times where I didn't get to express it. Now that I'm out of my - tiny baby hobbit hobo chuck on anything era - I'm really enjoying intentionally editing my wardrobe, rediscovering what my new style is and making the time for a tiny hit of dopamine dressing each day.
Tiny tweaks - can be incredibly transformative to our overall sense of self, overall wellbeing. Maybe today is the day for that clear out, a 'weekly wear' planning or new style day dream session. Making magic in the mundane. Mx.
#ootd #fitcheck #fashioninfluencer #LOL.
#lifedesign design #awareness #wellbeing #empowerment #change #lifecoaching #meditate #bestill #beingwell #selfdiscovery

We live in an acquisition based world. More - learning, consuming, owning, taking, studying, listening...externally. Validating external sources of information ahead of our own is how the world, marketing, society is built. So it takes cahoonas to be rebellious enough to step into the discomfort of silence to discover our own well of wellness.
Daily, we call this meditation! Time spent experiencing ourselves habitually, and clarifying that direct line to our internal source of wisdom.
Practicing what I preach with some retreating within retreat. Taking space to rediscover all that is already there. EXHALE. Mx.
#lifedesign #wellbeing #retreatlife #yogaholidays #awareness #lifecoach #emobodiment #EMPOWERMENT #naturesbeauty #portugal #portugaltravel #theartofliving #selfdiscovery

Close your eyes and see....
Just a lil Tues Throwback to some love filled rambles about the work I love.
Learn to Meditate online Course - Oct 16/22/30 8pm. Last one this year, possibly ever, in this format! Half full.
#meditationpractice #learntomeditate #awareness #resilience #wellbeing #FLOWSTATE #ease #lifecoach #LIFEDESIGN #meditation #support #changemakers #changeiscoming

Online course with me, Oct 16th, 23rd and 30th.
Very excited to welcome you all and it may be the last iteration of this 5year running course... as the winds of change are starting to whirl.
8pm each night.
##meditation #mindfulliving #mindfulness #awareness #wellbeing #balance #compassion #kindness #love #spiritualpractice #reflection #timeandspace #manifestation #manifest #selfcare #selfkindness #wisdomtraditions #meditate #yoga #play #rest #discover #understanding #lifeisshort #yogaoffthemat #lifedesign #beaware #smilesformiles #nuture #intuition

Do you want to Learn to Meditate but don't know where to start?.
NEWS - I've bopped the course out a few weeks so it's starting now Oct 16th then 23th and 30th. Super relaxed, informative, dare I say... fun evenings together cosy in the comfort of your home from 8pm. Lots of dorky jokes and lots of deep, philosophical and esoteric ancient wisdom - something for everyone! This really is unlocking a lifetime practice that you will then own. Empowered you will own your own capacity to take time when you need it to soothe our dizzy nervous systems - regulate, rest and reset.
We all need more of this and we all certainly know that the world needs more of this. But just pop me a message with any questions or pop a heart below and I'll DM you some no pressure information. Grá Mór and I'm really looking forward to seeing those of you already booked! Mx.
#learntomeditate #learntomeditateonline #onlinelearning #training #lifedesign #meditationpractice #awaken #awareness #MEDITATE #ease #flow #power #regulate #nervoussystem #yoga #livingyoga

Very Presentable...Very Demure. But always mindful. Awareness is a superpower (thank you meditation!).
The weird thing about bravery is if you're doing it right, it feels like fear! I'm definitely in a period of shift and change at the minute with micro and macro decisions that feel fear filled and uncomfortable - we all go through these seasons of transition. Even though some of the things that feel scary to me wouldn't make another person blink - I honour their importance.
What's ironic though is often what we want to reject is what is actually best - the nervous system's tendency to prefer the familiar over all else can keep us repeating unhelpful but familiar behavioral patterns for decades.
Space to cultivate the capacity to observe ourselves is key, is a superpower. Sitting with yourself daily, befriending yourself and supporting yourself more to make the hard decision. And being compassionate throughout, always.
Sunday thoughts as I navigate life and fling myself into the eye of the storm. Learn to Meditate Online Course is nearly here 🙌🏼.
#seaswims #stormyseas #lifedesign #awareness
#meditation #lifecoach #lifecoaching #empowerment #meditation #meditationpractice #wellbeing #yoga #theartofliving #discoverireland #escape #wildandfree #release .
*Obviously I barely paddled and lay down at the shore to get a dunk. I do not take risks in bad weather and think people that do are incredibly selfish fools*.

Want to live longer?. Go to the thing, with the person.
We know that social connection is one of the most powerful contributors to increasing our actual life longevity by up to FIFTY %, yes 50%. Each positive connection we make, boosts our cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immune systems, so that the more connections we make over time, the better we function.
Wellbeing goes far beyond just making that Pilates class or eating a few vegetables, we need to be wholeheartedly looking at the whole picture and if only incrementally... improving all areas, bit by bit. It ain't a dress rehearsal ....and thank you ailstephens for being your utterly fabulous forever friend self and giving us a reason to connect and celebrate YOU ❤️..
Einstein is a pretty good source of validation..."A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle...".
#celebrate #connect #connection #wellbeing #laughterismedicine #lifedesign #livingyoga #lifecoach #lifecoaching #autumnvibes #theartofliving #socialconnection #awareness #empowerment #lifeisshort

Finally taking a moment to reflect on our dreamy summer at the beach. Our first one living a dream I've always had to recreate my childhood with my babies - sandy sandwiches, sunny smiles and swims galore. But OKay fine, summer - I admit're over, but I'm coming for more of the same next year!.
This is just a miniscule snapshot from thousands of precious moments that mostly went uncaptured on a screen but were forever captured in my heart. A rich, present, wholesome time where wearing shoes was a rarity and a feeling of full body freedom on the beach was felt by all.
Yes, solo parenting two tinys was insane some of the time (important to flag reality) but there was such a pure utterly grateful infused happiness overarching. Friends, family, my incredible kids and a true escape from the tempo of city life. All the people I love in the place I love. Wexford our other home - thank you for the summer of dreams x.
#lifedesign #awareness #grateful #empowerment #choice #lifecoaching #livingyoga #beachbum #discoverireland #wexford #sunnysoutheast #meditationpractice #meditate #escape #livelifeonpurpose #conciousness #seaswims #sandytoes #designalifeyoulove

They become...aware wolf.
Thank you and happy Sunday to you all! Side note: how could you NOT want to Learn to Meditate with me?! A laugh a minute with gold like this rolling throughout our evenings together!.
Learn To Meditate. Online. 3x evenings @ 8pm Oct 2/9/16.
Pop me a message with any Q's, never hesitate.
Love, a very proud aWare Wolf ✌🏼.
#lifedesign #wellbeing #power #empowerment #meditate #lifecoaching #meditation #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #meditationpractice #yoga #studyonline #community #lifedesign #meditationpractice #anxiety #stress #release

If like me - you run around trying to soak up every sunshiney drop and do ALL the things when the sun shines (because we SHOULD)...then don't.
There is enough of a false sense of urgency woven into the fabric of daily life without the panic sunshine sometimes sprinkles on top. It's lovely n all but you know, protect that all costs!.
I was slipping into the quiet embrace of autumn chill and unprepared for the dizzy bizzy of this lil heatwave. Also where the hell did I put all those summer clothes. Remedy: don't believe the hype - be a rebel, go slow.
Rest Revolution!.
#meditationthoughts #lifedesign #awareness #beaware #wellbeing #personaldevelopment #lifecoaching #meditate #space #slowliving #sunshinetherapy #restisbest #escape #deeprest #autumnvibes

.Breathe. Grow. Live. Yoga.

Yoga Classes

Improving wellbeing is more than just a fitness decision, it’s a lifestyle transformation – which takes committed practice to cultivate greater awareness of both the body and mind. A loving approach to creating more harmony and flow on… and off the mat!

All courses and sessions provide excellent opportunities to move your body and harmonise body/mind/breath. What separates our offering apart from most is that we truly encourage an embodiment of the practice & strive to create a holistic approach to wellbeing that is adaptable to everybody. Every body is different and every body is different every day. We offer variations, support or progressions throughout all of our classes so be assured – we always facilitate an opportunity to take it at your own pace!

This is an inclusive and welcoming community that is built on small group, specialised offerings.

If there is a class you would like to see offered – tell us, we design our offerings around… YOU!

The Slow Yoga Flow

A steady slow intentional yoga practice that will help build strength, flexibility, balance, focus and harmony. Each teacher will bring their own flavour to this offering but all will be based in Mindful Movement!

The Fluid Flow

 A little spice but always approached in a slow mindful manner. Probably the only class on the schedule that is not beginner friendly. This one will always bring a playful smile and sometimes a sweaty challenge!

The Wake Up

Our 7am Morning Magic. Slowly awaken the body and mind by relishing in some releasing movement. Harness the breath & our awareness preparing us to welcome the day. 50mins accessible & early!

The Yin & Sound Session

Yin yoga is a deeply restorative style of yoga. Yin invites stillness of mind & body with gentle poses mostly floor based throughout. If you are looking for a deeply healing practice – you’ve found it! This one finishes with a magical sound bath savasana!

The Momma to BE

A strengthening & lengthening Yoga Flow specifically designed for expectant Mommas. Carefully curated with your transforming body in mind and delivered by a specifically trained prenatal teacher. Prepare your body & mind, take time to soak up the journey and simply BE for an hour each week!

The Rebalance

 This 10am midweek Wednesday morning class will combine many powerful mind/ body yoga technique to enhance strength, flexibility and harmony to both… the body and mind. A beautiful way to carve out a mid-week moment for yourself and possibly hit the reset button too, if needed!

What’s ALSO on at MYL…

In addition to the usual public Studio classes we are thrilled to host lots of pop up guest workshops and courses from some of Ireland’s best teachers/facilitators. Some of these are booked directly with the teachers so links are included below (simply copy/paste into your browser!).At a glance, here is what is coming up soon…


Sinead Mooney founder of Moons Yoga

About Moons

Sinéad Mooney (Moons!). Meditation Instructor, Life Design Coach, Yoga Teacher, Wellbeing Facilitator and Studio Owner – Moons has been working in the wellbeing space in Ireland and abroad for over a decade. She is based at her Studio in Blackrock, her Irish Retreat location Carton House Fairmont but also runs her Yoga Holidays across Europe as well as facilitating her Learn to Meditate Courses and Life Coaching online to a wide international community.

A regular on the corporate and festival circuit both here and in the UK – she brings a wealth of experience to every class/talk/session/training/workshop she hosts. She loves nothing more than to specifically curate sessions around your theme/dream – you’ll never hear her giving the same talk twice!

Although she is extremely serious about the power of these wonderful ancient wisdom traditions – she brings a modern, accessible and playful approach to everything she does. She really makes these transformative tools fun and achievable for everyone to use in better navigating their busy day to day lives! She is one busy… but mindful Mná!


Learn to Meditate

Learn to life Design

ONE… Online course⠀
TWO… Modules: Learn to Meditate & Learn to Life Design⠀
THREE…. Perspectives: 

The Who of You? ⠀
The What of Now? ⠀
The How of Better? ⠀

It’s time to take back our power, learn to better our relationships with ourselves and become part of an international alumni of WELLbeings. This is not a pre-recorded course, this is LIVE, interactive and designed to make impactful, sustainable, positive change. Choose one, or choose both, you choose!

Let’s meet, commit, support and show up for ourselves in pursuit of better!!! ⠀
Each module requires just 3x evenings attendance after which you will be supported through a free ongoing monthly meet up – this is true community. This live online offering is a marriage of Yoga Philosophy, Vedic Meditation, modern day Mindfulness and Life Coaching… cooked up in fun, accessible to all, format.⠀

This is a new approach to the new, now. It’s time! ⠀

Learn to Meditate: A meditation course (not class) that will give you the knowledge and tools for a permanent independent practice! Finish confident in your ability to meditate and excited to embark on this lifelong lifeline.

Learn to Life Design: A wellbeing management course. A structured, sustainable approach to creating tiny transformations to your daily life in order to create positive change. Observation, assessment, awareness, intention…

Following the course you will be warmly welcomed into the ‘Meditate with Moons’ community and invited to complimentary monthly gathers ongoing each month. Always supported, helping you integrate this life changing practice into your life, day by day. Beginners welcome. Harmonise, re-align, re-calibrate and learn to simply be a human BEing!

The next course dates are the evenings of SEPTEMBER 12TH, 13TH AND 19TH, if you would like to be the first to know – simply drop us a message below or browse through the meditation website page. If you have any questions at all, simply email  

Relax & Rejuvenate with us On our yoga holidays.

MOONS X TDactive

Croatia Yoga Holiday

5 Night Escapes…

Available Dates:

May 11th

September 7th

Maderia Yoga Holiday

4 Night Escapes…

Available Dates:

April 19th

October 18th


The Algarve Yoga Holiday

3 Night Escapes…

Available Dates:

May 4th

Oct 12th

2023 is looking exciting ..

Dates above. Details below. 

We know how important it is mind ourselves every now and then and our Yoga Holidays are the perfect escape form the everyday hustle and bustle.

4* Hotels, flights, transfers, delicious meals and nourishing yoga – are all included … the perfect package that ensures you completely switch off from start to finish!

individual or small group tailored classes

private yoga sessions

Often confidence is a huge barrier for people when they think about attending a public yoga class. Sometimes a private session or series of oneONone meet ups are all you need to build a strong foundation and spark that curiosity to maintain this transformative practice. Individually tailored, exclusively designed by your choice of teacher – these precious moments in our serene space are the greatest gift of time, that you could ever give yourself. 

Alternatively we often have couples, families or groups of friends who want to take some time together, catch up or simply have the space exclusively for their own use. Drop us a line and we can curate the special experience you require/desire!